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Construction of Observation Deck


In October 2010, at a cost of nearly $16,000,

the construction of the observation deck was

finally completed.  In 2007 the GCPT was

awarded over $14,000 from the King’s Daughters

and Sons Circle Number Two that was designated

for this project.  The location of the eastern

slough was chosen because of the beauty of its

natural setting, and plans were set in motion

upon receipt of the KD grant.  Traditionally,

this slough had been dry during the summer and

fall months but from 2007 until the summer of

2010, the slough remained too wet to safely

construct the foundation of the deck.  King’s

Daughters Circle requires that grant monies be

spent within a calendar year but because of the unusual circumstances regarding the abundance of rainfall during the three year period between receiving the grant money and the building of the deck, a weather-necessitated exception was made for the preserve.


The all wood construction deck with its

multiple unique features was designed by Bob

Gramling, a founding trustee of the Preserve,

and is named in his honor.  Bob died

unexpectedly on July 19, 2010, and is greatly

missed by the Preserve Trustees.  Bob had a

keen artistic sense for how the trails should

look and a deep desire that they be made

accessible to the public with minimum detriment

to the surrounding terrain. With his multiple

design and engineering talents, he was able to

bring all this to fruition for the enjoyment and

pleasure of the friends of the preserve.  The trails were completed as he had envisioned, and the unfinished deck was seen to completion by a fellow trustee, Herbert H. Huddleston, Jr., with the building done by Vernon Yost & Sons Construction.  A memory  regarding the tedious details of the construction that is special and dear to the trustees, is that Mr. Yost and his sons were able to accomplish this remarkable feat of building over and among the myriad cypress knees with only ONE very tall cypress knee  being “topped” to make room for the deck. 



​Greenville Cypress Preserve      Highway 82 West and Cypress Lane     Greenville, Mississippi  

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